"We are the Chosen of Asuryan, beloved of the Gods and heirs to the world. Our armies are the finest in creation; swift where are foes are lumbering, cultured where are foes are barbaric. Give no thought to failure, nor defeat- we are the Children of Ulthuan and we Shall prevail."
Aenarion the Defender

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Small update

Due to the upcoming season I have not had very much time to paint and so my warhammer activity has been fairly low. How ever, I have began work on a Repeater Bolt Thrower and Caladris the Mage from the Island of Blood. I am shore that as the new year rolls around I will get some more projects going.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Tower of Heoth Pics

Here are some work in progress pics for my white tower of heoth terrain piece, the top will have a star-gazing theme with a Wheel of Magic and a hopefully a map of the heavens painted onto the top, their will be four pillars with one being much taller than the others with a platform and a telescope,
the entrance 

the front

the side

with a model for scale

the model is on the top in this one

Thursday, December 2, 2010

White Tower of Heoth!! coming soon!

I have been recently been working on a terrain piece of the White Tower of Heoth, for Warhammer. Pictures will be coming soon and hopefully some rules for it as well (things are getting busy as we get closer to christmas). I am thinking I will make rules so that you can play it as The white tower of heoth or just a white tower of Saphery.

Happy Wargaming!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Island of Blood Skaven Warlock Engineer

Here are some pics of the Skaven Warlock Engineer from Island of Blood, not much to him just a few colors for the base coat and some washes, not too much highlighting, I am fairly pleased with how they turned out and all the little extra details,
This is it about half way done. 

The final product!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Island of Blood Skaven Weapon Teams

Finally I have Finally painted some miniatures from Island of Blood. The skaven weapon teams were the first ones I chose to paint and I am pretty well pleased especially because it is my first painted miniature!!  (well not exactly, I have painted a small group of Night Goblins). They were fairly quick to paint up and mostly just a basecoat and some washes, with a tiny bit of highlighting on the skirt things. 

Saturday, November 6, 2010


here are the links to the videos, sorry about that,
Part 1 http://www.miniwargaming.com/content/-island-blood-battle-report-high-elves-vs-skaven-part-1-

Part 2 http://www.miniwargaming.com/content/-island-blood-battle-report-high-elves-vs-skaven-part-2-

Part 3 http://www.miniwargaming.com/content/-island-blood-battle-report-high-elves-vs-skaven-part-3-


Miniwargaming.com Island of Blood battle report.

Not a good outcome =( but it it's still a good game,

Part 1, http://www.miniwargaming.com/content/-island-blood-battle-report-high-elves-vs-skaven-part-1-

Part 2 http://www.miniwargaming.com/content/-island-blood-battle-report-high-elves-vs-skaven-part-2-

Part 3 http://www.miniwargaming.com/content/-island-blood-battle-report-high-elves-vs-skaven-part-3-

Happy Wargaming!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Perils of Paint

Paints are wonderful, even more so when you have enough of them. Over the last few weeks/days I have been building up my paint collection. I took a trip to A-1 Comics (the closest place that sells Games Workshop supplies) and got myself a fairly good group of paints, I was walking to the parking lot when I realized "I have no white!" After rushing back to the store to grab a pot of Skull White and thanking whatever made me remember such a crucial item I was ready to go, well not quite, Upon returning home I realized that I had no grays or yellows. In frustration I placed an order in with Games Workshop for the needed paints dashing all hopes of finally having all the things I need to get started. Ahh well, I suppose thats the life of a wargamer.

P.S. this is why it is taking me so long on the Island of Blood =) 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Here are some pics of some Warpstones I made, theirs not much to them, I just grabbed some rocks and glued them to a foam board base, I then dipped toilet paper in watered down white glue to build up the earth around the rocks, the paint job is simple just a black undercoat and several layers of browns and grays for the earth, the warpstones where just a light green similar to GW scorpion green( I use normal acrylics for my terrain) I then drybrushed them a very pale green, some flock finished up the job,
the first one
And the second one

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Island of Blood Part 1

Here are the pics of all the guys in Island of Blood, along with a Repeater Bolt thrower the High elves in this set are going to be the starting point for my High Elf Army. (I will be doing a Post of my Paint job for the Repeater Bolt Thrower once I begin) Since I am fairly new to painting miniatures I will be painting the Skaven Army first, so do not be surprised if the first few are not as good as the ones later on. (sorry for the bad pics, I just couldn't get some of them right). Hopefully within the next few days I will finish gluing, green-stuffing and preparing, I will then give all of them a white spray undercoat. It might be a small while before I begin painting because I have yet to acquire some grey paint.
Hope you enjoy the pics!

The lot of 'em (and yes those are Warp Stones in the back =) )
Skaven Warlord
Warlock Engineer 
Master Moulder 
 Poisoned Wind Mortar
Warpfire Thrower
Rat Ogres 
Clanrats with Spears
Clanrats with Hand Weapons
Prince Althran 
Caladris the Mage
Lothern Sea Gaurd
Sword Masters of Heoth
And last but not least, the Ellyrian Reavers.


Welcome to The Silver Host, the complete Warhammer High Elf Blog!
I will be posting Paint job summaries, Terrain making tutorials, Battle reports and Tactics. I will also be updating you on the status of my High Elf army with my Call to Arms series, hope you enjoy it I am looking forward to sharing my High Elf experience with all of you.
Happy Wargaming!