"We are the Chosen of Asuryan, beloved of the Gods and heirs to the world. Our armies are the finest in creation; swift where are foes are lumbering, cultured where are foes are barbaric. Give no thought to failure, nor defeat- we are the Children of Ulthuan and we Shall prevail."
Aenarion the Defender

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Perils of Paint

Paints are wonderful, even more so when you have enough of them. Over the last few weeks/days I have been building up my paint collection. I took a trip to A-1 Comics (the closest place that sells Games Workshop supplies) and got myself a fairly good group of paints, I was walking to the parking lot when I realized "I have no white!" After rushing back to the store to grab a pot of Skull White and thanking whatever made me remember such a crucial item I was ready to go, well not quite, Upon returning home I realized that I had no grays or yellows. In frustration I placed an order in with Games Workshop for the needed paints dashing all hopes of finally having all the things I need to get started. Ahh well, I suppose thats the life of a wargamer.

P.S. this is why it is taking me so long on the Island of Blood =) 

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